Require Parts
July 04, 2015 —
Matt Forrester
Noticed this when requiring Ramda:
[BABEL] Note: The code generator has deoptimised the styling of "/home/fozz/Projects/siac-ui/node_modules/ramda/dist/ramda.js" as it exceeds the max of "100KB".
Now I love Ramda, you should read about, it's awesome, but I am only actually using a few functions from it in this project and this is overkill... So instead I did:
var R = { zipObj: require('ramda/src/zipObj.js') };
which is all well and fine but I kept adding to this this and it became a bit of a pain...
var R = {
assocPath: require('ramda/src/assocPath.js'),
defaultTo: require('ramda/src/defaultTo.js'),
partition: require('ramda/src/partition.js'),
pipe: require('ramda/src/pipe.js'),
reduce: require('ramda/src/reduce.js')
so I created this micro library. It can be used like the following:
var requireParts = require('require-parts');
var R = requireParts('ramda', 'src', ['zipObj.js', 'min.js']);
This works for modules installed with NPM, doesn't seem to work with Babel, but there is a Babel Plugin which does the same job.