Sinon.js Vs Dojo
I was coding along quite happily on a project (soon to be unveiled) and got to testing my code that interacts with the server. I was intending to using Sinon.js to mock this, but the response was never coming back... My code was like this:
xhr("/dataset", {
handleAs: "json"
}).then(function(data) {
},function(err) {
//throw err
Except that my code it never entered the success or failure... I figured it must still be waiting for a response, and this was correct because putting in a timeout:
xhr("/dataset", {
handleAs: "json",
timeout: 2000
}).then(function(data) {
},function(err) {
//throw err
Caused it to call the error function after 2 seconds, but that does not explain why Sinon.js still did not respond.
In the end I discovered these posts detailing that Dojo had moved onto the XHR2 spec, which is new and that is not supported by Sinon.
In the end it seems the answer is to use a new "has" in your `dojoConfig`:
<script type="text/javascript">
dojoConfig = {
parseOnLoad: false,
cacheBust: false,
baseUrl: '/js',
has: {
'native-xhr2': false // Sinon.JS does not support XHR2
<script src="/js/vendor/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
Which solved my problem, I was sooo happy when I found this!