Matt at Keyboard Writes Code

A blog about software development, technology and other things that interest me Select TextObject plugin

March 14, 2014 — Matt Forrester

I am currently (and have been for a long time) in a state of flux with my current editor selection... For a while about 6 months ago I thought I would end up using VIM and even started reading a book about it. I learnt about VIM Golf, the amazing "." command, Tim Pope's awesome Surround...

I've learnt a lot about VIM but somewhere along the line it beeped at me one too many times and I felt compelled to go to something a bit more modern. I am currently trying out Adobe's which has some neet features and even has a form of a Surround plugin which will surround your currently selected text, but the missing out is how to getting that selection.

What was needed was a way to quickly and easily easily select text... it needed VIM's select-textobject function... So I created it!!! (or at least something similar)

If you don't know VIM text objects,Here's an example of what it can do Bold itels are selections.

Suppose I have the following input:

I have some Text (that I want t **\|** o select) here

I could use "iw" for inner word:

I have some Text (that I want **to** select) here

I could use "i(" for inside a bracketted area:

I have some **Text (that I want to select)** here

I could use "it" for inside a tag:

I have some **Text (that I want to select)** here

I could use "at" for a tag:

I have some **Text (that I want to select)** here

I could use "a<p" to select the the "<p>" tag:

**I have some Text (that I want to select) here**

Which is of course identical in this case to "i2t" and "2t":

**I have some Text (that I want to select) here**

If you have installed you can go to File > Extension Manager and search for "select text object" and it will come up. You can also get the source, as always at GitHub. It goes really well with the "Brackets Surround" and "Brackets Key Remapper" plugins.