Moving Blog to BashBlog
I have Blog files stored in Markdown which I pre-process using remark and some custom plugins.
They all originally were from Jekyll and then Pelican but I've become disatisfied with them so I wanted to move to BashBlog because I want something simple where the files are just pure markdown.
There are two jobs in this tasks
Job 1: Change Front Matter into a H1 and Tags:
The one off...
Jekyll has content stored as Markdown with Front Matter above which looks like the following:
title: Code In PostgreSQL: Combining data from multiple tables with INNER JOIN
date: 2019-03-04 21:00:20
tags: code-in-postgresql, javascript, postgresql
category postgresql
Welcome to my post, the H1 will automatically be written by the title in my front matter.
## This is a H2
I need to convert this into
# This is my real title
And I have content
## And other headers
Tags: but, i-have, other-tags-too
This conversion is relatively for a one off via an AWK script
match($0, /^tags: +(.*)/, match_arr) {
match($0, /^category: +(.*)/, match_arr) {
match($0, /^title: +(.*)/, match_arr) {
PRINT==1 { print $0 }
TITLE && match($0, /^---/) {
print "#", TITLE
print ""
printf "Tags: %s, %s", TAGS, CATEGORY
exit 0
if (TAGS) {
printf "Tags: %s", TAGS
exit 0
printf "Tags: %s", CATEGORY
exit 0
The basic idea is that
- It pulls out the
- If the title is defined and you hit a line that begins with
- Print out the H1 tag (title)
- If the title has been printed out, print out the current line
- Finally print out the
as tags.
You can run this with cat | awk -f convert_post.awk
and it will print the BashBlog output to STDOUT.
Every file
To do this for every file is relatively simple with GNU Parallel
find 2*.md | parallel mv {} {}.x
find 2*.md.x | parallel cat {} '|' awk -f convert_post.awk '>' {.}
rm *.x
Job 2: File names with multiple periods (.)
function multi_dot() { FILENAME="$1" FILENAME_NO_EXT="$(echo "$FILENAME" | sed 's/.md$//')" NEW_FILENAME="$(echo "$FILENAME_NO_EXT" | sed 's/./_/g').md" mv "$FILENAME" "$NEW_FILENAME" } export -f multi_dot
find | parallel multi_dot
Job 3: Correct Dates
Given I have files like which encode the date it shouldn't be too hard, but BashBlog wants to store the date within a comment of the HTML file that looks like <!-- bashblog_timestamp: #202105031115.27# -->
If I want to import my data I can copy the markdown file into the working directory and run edit
which will open up my $EDITOR
and, upon save, generate a HTML file with the timestamp of $(date)
To do a mass import I will need to do some thinking:
Generating the HTML for blog post
if I run edit
and there is no 2019-07-24-ndjson-env.html
BashBlog will exit with the status code 255 and the following output:
$ ./ edit
Can't edit post 2019-07-24-ndjson-env.html, did you mean to use " post <draft_file>"?
This is easily solved by a touch 2019-07-24-ndjson-env
and then re-running:
$ touch 2019-07-24-ndjson-env.html
$ edit
MARKDOWN: /home/fozz/Projects/plain-text-blog/markdown
Posted 2019-07-24-ndjson-env.html
Rebuilding tag pages .
Rebuilding the index ........
Creating an index page with all the posts ........
Creating an index page with all the tags ...
Making RSS ........
Which is a good process, but I don't want to re-open my $EDITOR
for every post...
The fake $EDITOR
If BashBlog always uses $EDITOR
to allow you to edit before a post, why not set $EDITOR
to something which will take the parameter of a file, will return a exit code of 0, but not be interactive... something like echo
So now our edit ...
command now looks like env EDITOR=echo edit
The Date
Having done all this BashBlog will still think the date of the post is now, because it has no logic to read the date from the filename, only from the bashblog_timestamp
comment within the HTML file (falling back to $(date)
The following command will use sed
to replace the date:
sed 's/\(<!-- bashblog_timestamp: #\).*\(# -->\)/\1YOUDATE\2/' -i 2019-07-24-ndjson-env.html
One Blog Post
To restore just one Blog post we would need to run the following commands:
DATE="$(echo "" | cut -d '-' -f 1,2,3 | sed 's/\-//g')0830.01"
touch "2019-07-24-ndjson-env.html"
env EDITOR=echo edit ""
sed 's/\(<!-- bashblog_timestamp: #\).*\(# -->\)/\1'"$DATE"'\2/' -i "2019-07-24-ndjson-env.html"
But after this the post will display the current date within the file and if you edit
it will reset the date still, because for edit
the date of the file still takes precedence.
The clue to fixing this is in the changelog, it says:
2.7 Store post date on a comment in the html file (#96). On rebuild, the post date will be synchronised between comment date and file date, with precedence for comment date.
So all we need to do is run rebuild
and it changes the date of the file to the bashblog_timestamp
and upates the text of the HTML to the correct date.
Many posts
This is all great. But I need to update a lot of blog posts so I'll turn to my old friend GNU parallel:
First putting the above into script called publish-dated-md
set -euo pipefail
echo "= BEGIN ================="
FILENAME_HTML="$(echo "$FILENAME" | sed 's/md$/html/')"
DATE="$(echo "$FILENAME" | cut -d '-' -f 1,2,3 | sed 's/\-//g')0830.01"
echo "== BB START =="
env EDITOR=echo edit "$FILENAME"
echo "== BB END ===="
sed 's/\(<!-- bashblog_timestamp: #\).*\(# -->\)/\1'"$DATE"'\2/' -i "$FILENAME_HTML"
echo "= END ==================="
And then running it on all the files:
find *.md | grep '^[0-9]\{4\}' | parallel -j1 --halt now,fail=1 publish-dated-md {} rebuild
Which pretty much does the same as in the "One Blog Post" header, but using GNU Parallel to process all the files and then runs a rebuild
at the end to clean it all up.
Tags: blogging, bashblog, bash, gnu-parallel